Pleasant*Wood SSMM Tenuto

Pleasant*Wood SSMM Tenuto, July 2024
Pleasant*Wood SSMM Tenuto
DOB: 3/27/14 ID#AA1709097
Sire:*B Spinning Spider Mohave Madison
SS:++*B SG Cherry Glen TRI Mojave LA EEE 91
SD: SGCH Spinning Spider NC Islandzadi 1*M LA EEEE 92
Dam: Pleasant*Wood Kiev’s Tekoah
DS: *B Mt. Zion Khartoum Kiev
DD: Pleasant*Wood D Hwin
Tenuto is a lovely, productive doe. She is milks down well and has a nice soft udder texture. She easily produces over a gallon at peak and milks an extended lactation well. Although particular with her people, she is excellent on the milk stand and has taught many milking lessons. Her 2022 daughter, F Sharp, is in our herd as well.

Pleasant*Wood SSMM Tenuto, Dec. 2023

Sept. 2021, Drying off

July 2018

April 2017

April 2017

July 2016

Dry Yearling, 2015