Pleasant*Wood CFS F Sharp

Pleasant*Wood CFS F Sharp, July 2024

Pleasant*Wood CFS F Sharp
DOB 3/30/2022 ID#AA2270850

Sire: Catwalk Farm Sycamore
SS: *B Redwood Hills Talisman Quentin
SD: Catwalk Farm Twisted Petunia
Dam: Pleasant*Wood SSMM Tenuto
DS: *B Spinning Spider Mohave Madison
DD: Pleasant*Wood Kiev’s Tekoah

‘Sharpie’ is a lovely 2 year old! We are looking forward to her freshening in March!

Sharpie freshened in March 2024 with lovely buck/ doe twins. She milks well (about 8-9 lbs at peak) and easily from a very soft udder. Although overall her udder is quite well attached, she could use improvement in her foreudder attachment. Sharpie is a nice young doe, I am really looking forward to watching her develop.

May 2024
December 2023
October 2022